Here's what Bill Bryant from Chop Cult had to say:
"Thirty years of Life on the road brings experiences that can't be had anywhere else. Thankfully, Chop Cult member Q-Ball has been documenting his ride along this rough and rowdy path through the lens of his trusty camera. His new book Living the Life combines a collection of these images along with prose from road poet Sorez the Scribe for a perfect paring of word and image.
It took decades for Q-Ball to decide to share these images with the world. He struggled with what to write, what words could possibly accompany such photographs? Cheesy captions, made up from scratch many years after the fact just wouldn't do. Poetry isn't something many of us are experts on around here, but the Scribe's gritty and romantic poems are a rich complement, and were just the catalyst required to let Q-Ball feel comfortable showing his work to the world.
Published by another Chop Cult member, Mr. Boh, who is also responsible for the new magazine out of Baltimore called Lowside, the hard-bound book is an exercise in restraint. With much contemporary graphic design cluttering up dramatic photos, it's a welcome respite to see a clean layout, elegant in it's simplicity, that lets the written word and high-contrast imagery take center stage. In addition to being showcased in the book, many of the best photography is also available in poster form, perfect for framing.
Living the Life was a good choice for the title. It's not so much about the individual or the exact machine they happen to be on, however important and central those details may be. It's about the road less traveled and how much richer that road is on two wheels. Many of these souls are gone now, the Life as they knew it, evaporated. But, through the pen and the lens, we all get a brief glimpse at what that it looked like. The question now, to all of us is: Are we Living the Life?"
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